Next year, Taranto will be host­ing Med­imex from June 17 to 21

We’re happy to say that Med­imex 2024 was a big suc­cess, with 75 sched­uled events attract­ing lots of par­ti­cipants. There was also lots of great media cov­er­age and over a mil­lion people reached across social media. We reached 3 mil­lion users on social media, all the accom­mod­a­tion was sold out, and we had import­ant par­ti­cip­a­tion from pro­fes­sion­als in the music industry.

Taranto was once again the epi­centre of inter­na­tion­al music with an out­stand­ing edi­tion of Med­imex, Inter­na­tion­al Fest­iv­al & Music Con­fer­ence, pro­moted by Puglia Sounds, the Puglia Region Pro­gram for the devel­op­ment of the region­al music sys­tem, imple­men­ted by Teatro Pub­blico PuglieseCon­sorzio Regionale per le Arti e la Cul­tura, which was held from 19–23 June. Med­imex 2024 saw great par­ti­cip­a­tion in all events, sold out accom­mod­a­tion in Taranto, lots of media cov­er­age, with report­ers from the main Itali­an news­pa­pers and media, tick­ets sold in more than 30 coun­tries, 300 music oper­at­ors who took part in the pro­fes­sion­al activ­it­ies and a glob­al reach – the num­bers are still grow­ing! We reached over 1.35 mil­lion users, with a wide age range, mostly between 25 and 50 years old. The major­ity of social media users came from the UK, Spain, the US, Ire­land, the Neth­er­lands, France, Ger­many, Greece, Por­tugal, Switzer­land, and Bel­gi­um (in des­cend­ing order of cov­er­age and inter­ac­tions). We also saw some great nation­al cov­er­age, with lots of engage­ment from Puglia and huge num­bers from Lom­bardy, Lazio, Basilicata, Emil­ia-Romagna, and Pied­mont. Plus, there were over 500,000 inter­ac­tions with posts and 250,000 shares, and around 3,000 stor­ies shared by accounts that used the hasht­ag #Medimex2024. Then, see you in Taranto from June 17 to 21, 2025!


“Med­imex will be return­ing to Taranto from 17 to 21 June 2025!”, said Pres­id­ent Michele Emili­ano. The wdi­tion that has just ended was a great suc­cess and garnered unan­im­ous acclaim from the pub­lic, which by now arrives from every corner of the plan­et, and from industry insiders. For five days Taranto was the cen­ter of inter­na­tion­al music and showed all its beauty to the world. My thanks go to the irre­place­able team of Puglia Sounds/Teatro Pub­blico Pugliese that once again man­aged to build an extraordin­ary event that opened, in the best pos­sible way, the great Puglia sum­mer of cul­ture and live enter­tain­ment”.

“It was the best Med­imex since we moved to Taranto. An ambi­tious edi­tion, centered on the theme of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence, which once again raised the bar with a really import­ant offer of live events, show­cases with a very high music­al level, a great par­ti­cip­a­tion in all the events, a beau­ti­ful video map­ping that illu­min­ated the nights of Taranto and a gen­er­al sched­ule that worked very well — com­ments Cesare Veronico, Medimex/Puglia Sounds coordin­at­or — And the cred­it goes to the group of people who worked on Med­imex again this year and to the thou­sands of people who par­ti­cip­ated in the 75 events we held dur­ing this very hot week, from all points of view. To them goes my thanks along with the Puglia Region and its pres­id­ent Michele Emili­ano. And I would like to stress that this year through spon­sor­ships, tak­ings and oth­er income costs have been cut by almost 1 mil­lion euros, a sig­ni­fic­ant amount that makes Med­imex more sus­tain­able. All in all, we are incred­ibly tired but also extremely sat­is­fied and ener­gized as we look for­ward to 2025. We are ready, as always.”

“Taranto reaf­firms itself as a soph­ist­ic­ated and attract­ive stage for great inter­na­tion­al music and music pro­fes­sion­als”, says Rinaldo Melucci, May­or of Taranto. “Med­imex, like the oth­er major events of this sum­mer of 2024, fits in per­fectly with the strategy for a just trans­ition and the pro­cess of sus­tain­able growth, product diver­si­fic­a­tion and devel­op­ment that we launched in 2017 togeth­er with the Puglia Region, also in terms of cul­tur­al eman­cip­a­tion, innov­a­tion and oppor­tun­it­ies for young people and busi­nesses, repos­i­tion­ing the image of the city of the two seas — in short, the goals and prin­ciples of the Plan Ecos­istema Taranto plan and the related region­al stra­tegic plan. Once again, the entire com­munity of the Ioni­an Sea has shown that it is ready, wel­com­ing and hard-work­ing, more than inter­ested in artist­ic cross-fer­til­iz­a­tion and pos­it­ive devel­op­ment. Behind the sound of high qual­ity music, Taranto showed its best side, a stu­pendous, effi­cient town, invaded by fest­ive people in search of high qual­ity con­tent, nev­er inat­tent­ive to the mes­sages com­ing from a world in con­stant trans­form­a­tion. From Med­imex, Tarant­o’s resi­li­ent and innov­at­ive voice was heard loud and clear. Many thanks to all the organ­izers, author­it­ies and col­lab­or­at­ors who made this great show­case pos­sible”. 

On Sat­urday, June 22, The Smile, the first Itali­an con­cert of the band, and Sunday, June 23, Pulp, only Itali­an date, and The Jesus and Mary Chain, only south­ern Itali­an date, gave abso­lutely unfor­get­table, power­ful, and excit­ing con­certs on the stage of the round ter­race over­look­ing the sea. What an incred­ible week­end of music! We were abso­lutely thrilled to see so many amaz­ing artists per­form­ing at Spazi­o­porto and abso­lutely blown away by the incred­ible per­form­ances by Accas­ac­cio, Ele­onora Bor­don­aro, Francesco Moramarco, Kyoto, Salvio Vas­sallo and Mon­ica Pinto, Sandro Joyeux, Com­rad, Leland Did It, Nebüla, Pin­hDAR, Rareș, Samia, Ant­on­ello Losacco, Evita Polidoro, NEROVIVO, Jac­opo Fer­razza, Mal­adè, Pasquale Calò, Valentina Fin Cohors, and Wasted Gen­er­a­tion! But there is more to it: the Teatro Fusco was abso­lutely buzz­ing for the highly anti­cip­ated nation­al premiere of the film Angel­headed Hip­ster. The Songs of Marc Bolan & T.Rex and for the meet­ings of The Notori­ous B.I.G. & Tupac Shak­ur with Tor­mento, Michael Jack­son & Prince, The Beatles & The Rolling Stones, and Lou Reed & Dav­id Bowie with Manuel Agnelli—what an incred­ible lineup! And let’s not for­get the incred­ible suc­cess of the video-map­ping Infin­ite Loop, the AI End­less Explor­a­tion, an ori­gin­al work by Roberto San­toro, and Blend­ing Pixels, as well as of the exhib­i­tion Bob Gru­en: John Len­non, The New York Years on view until July 14 at MArTA, the Nation­al Archae­olo­gic­al Museum in Taranto! This year’s three-day event was a resound­ing suc­cess! An incred­ible 300 oper­at­ors took part in a series of enga­ging activ­it­ies, all focused on the excit­ing top­ic of arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence. The three days were abso­lutely jam-packed with a num­ber of thought-pro­vok­ing pan­els, present­a­tions, and work­shops on a range of top­ics, includ­ing inter­na­tion­al­iz­a­tion, gender equal­ity in the Itali­an music industry, the digit­al revolu­tion, inter­na­tion­al cooper­a­tion, Sync, the Artist­ic Cent­ric Mod­el, and new per­spect­ives for live music. We are also pleased to announce that that Puglia Sounds Musi­cari­um, a school of music crafts, Med­imex Music Fact­ory, real­ized in col­lab­or­a­tion with Sony Music Pub­lish­ing Italy, and the many activ­it­ies planned all had excel­lent res­ults!