How to par­ti­cip­ate in sched­uled events

Med­imex 2024 presents a busy pro­gram of activ­it­ies divided into dif­fer­ent sec­tions. We sum­mar­ize all the use­ful inform­a­tion here, sec­tion by sec­tion.


The con­certs on 22 and 23 June, gates open­ing at 7pm, sched­uled on the Main­stage (Rotonda del Lun­go­mare, Taranto) require the pur­chase of tick­ets — the sub­scrip­tion for­mula for the two even­ings is avail­able — online, on the Tick­etOne and Viv­atick­et cir­cuits, or at the tick­et office at the Main­stage (Lun­go­mare Vit­torio Emanuele III corner with via Ciro Giov­inazzi) which will be act­ive on 22 and 23 June from 4:00 pm to 11:00 pm.

Minors up to 5 years old do not pay the tick­et; people with dis­ab­il­it­ies who request it accord­ing to the instruc­tions on the indi­vidu­al live pages can be accom­pan­ied. In this case, access is free for the com­pan­ion.

Main­stage, Rotonda del Lun­go­mare on Google Maps.

Stor­ies and Film

At the Fusco Theat­er the pro­gram includes four events entitled Incon­tri & Rac­conti and the screen­ing of a film. All these appoint­ments are open and free, while avail­able places last. Reser­va­tions are recom­men­ded and can be made at the theat­er box office (via Ciro Giov­inazzi 49, Taranto) or by tele­phone +39 099 99 49 349 accord­ing to these days and times: from Tues­day to Fri­day from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 4pm to 7pm (until June 23rd). June 20th and 21st until 9pm.

Teatro Fusco, via Ciro Giov­inazzi 49 on Google Maps.


Access to all the show­cases sched­uled at the Spazi­o­porto (via Foca Nice­foro 28, Taranto) are open and free.

Spazi­o­porto, via Foca Nice­foro 28 on Google Maps.


Med­imex pro­grams two talks. One at MArTA (via Cavour 10, Taranto), with Bob Gru­en and one at the Uni­ver­sity (via Duomo, Taranto) with the French Saints. Both are open and free while avail­able places last. For the talk at MArTA, book­ing is recom­men­ded via the web­form online, Talk sec­tion. The book­ing form will be act­ive until all avail­able places are filled.

MArTA, via Cavour 10 on Google Maps.

Uni­versità, via Duomo on Google Maps.


Par­ti­cip­a­tion in the lit­er­ary review, hos­ted at the Caffè Let­ter­ario Cibo per la mente (via Duomo 237, Taranto), is open and free.

Caffè Let­ter­ario, via Duomo 237 on Google Maps.

NGMA Final 2024

Par­ti­cip­a­tion in the final of the Next Gen­er­a­tion Music Award 2024, where the three final­ist groups will per­form on 21 June, hos­ted at the Caffè Let­ter­ario Cibo per la mente (via Duomo 237, Taranto), is open and free.

Caffè Let­ter­ario, via Duomo 237 on Google Maps.


The pro­jec­tion map­ping show — the work pro­jec­ted on the Aragonese Castle — can be enjoyed from Corso Due Mari, Taranto every day, from 20 to 23 June, from 9pm to mid­night.

Corso Due Mari on Google Maps.

Photo exhib­i­tion

The exhib­i­tion hos­ted at MArTA (via Cavour 10, Taranto), Bob Gru­en: John Len­non, The New York Years can be vis­ited until 14 July 2024 dur­ing the museum’s open­ing hours and after the pur­chase of a nor­mal entrance tick­et which also allows the vis­it to the entire col­lec­tion. Inform­a­tion and tick­et office here.

MArTA, via Cavour 10 on Google Maps.

Med­imex PRO

The Med­imex PRO appoint­ments all take place at the Uni­ver­sity (via Duomo, Taranto) and are open and free, until all avail­able places are filled. Regis­tra­tion is required (until June 10th it was pos­sible to do it online) at the recep­tion desk at the Uni­ver­sity.

Uni­versità, via Duomo on Google Maps.

Musi­cari­um and Med­imex Music Fact­ory

The events of the Musi­cari­um and the Med­imex Music Fact­ory take place in dif­fer­ent places: Uni­ver­sity (via Duomo, Taranto), Teatro Fusco (via Ciro Giov­inazzi 49, Taranto), Spazi­o­porto (via Foca Nice­foro 28, Taranto), Stu­di­oGau­d­io (viale Unità d’ Italia 371, Taranto) and the “Gio­vanni Pais­i­ello” State Con­ser­vat­ory of Music of Taranto (via Duomo 276, Taranto).

All appoint­ments are reserved for those enrolled selec­ted by the tutors and it is not pos­sible, dur­ing the days of Med­imex, for those who have not registered or have not been selec­ted, to take part in the activ­it­ies.

Uni­versità, via Duomo on Google Maps.

Teatro Fusco, via Ciro Giov­inazzi 49 on Google Maps.

Spazi­o­porto, via Foca Nice­foro 28 on Google Maps.

Stu­di­oGau­d­io, viale Unità d’Italia 371 on Google Maps.

Con­ser­vatorio Statale di Musica “Gio­vanni Pais­i­ello” di Taranto, via Duomo 276 on Google Maps.