Show­case Call at Med­imex 2024

15 artists or music­al groups selec­ted among the can­did­ates for the call which expires at 1pm on 22 April 2024. And, in par­tic­u­lar, six music­al pro­jects of the World genre, as many for Indie, Pop, Rock and three for Jazz music­al pro­jects. Each show­case will last 20 minutes and all those selec­ted will be sched­uled at the Spazi­o­porto on three dif­fer­ent even­ings from 19 to 21 June.


The MEDIMEX 2024 pro­ject will be hos­ted in Taranto from June 19 to 23, 2024, as the crown­ing event of the entire strategy for the devel­op­ment of the Puglia Sounds music sys­tem. For the 14th edi­tion, Med­imex, through a pub­lic call, selects 15 Apuli­an and nation­al music­al pro­jects that will be able to per­form dur­ing the days of the Fest­iv­al. Accord­ing to the call, those music­al pro­jects of which 2/3 of the mem­bers were born or reside in Puglia are defined as Apuli­an; nation­al if 2/3 were born or res­id­ent in Italy.

Dead­line and meth­ods of par­ti­cip­a­tion

15 artists or music­al groups selec­ted among the can­did­ates for the call which expires at 1pm on 22 April 2024. Pro­jects can respond to the call by filling in all the required fields in the web­form.

Music­al pro­jects and inform­a­tion

And, in par­tic­u­lar, six music­al pro­jects of the World genre, as many for Indie, Pop, Rock and three for Jazz music­al pro­jects. Each show­case will last 20 minutes and all those selec­ted will be sched­uled at the Spazi­o­porto on three dif­fer­ent even­ings from 19 to 21 June.

Showcase@Medimex is cre­ated in col­lab­or­a­tion with the Keep On Live, I‑Jazz and Rete Itali­ana World Music net­works.



1 – What is meant by “Indie” music?

In the text of the pub­lic notice, “Indie” or inde­pend­ent music­al genre means a form of music that is pro­duced and dis­trib­uted inde­pend­ently, not by major labels, char­ac­ter­ized by son­ic exper­i­ment­a­tion and a cre­at­ive and uncon­ven­tion­al spir­it. It mainly refers to the altern­at­ive and under­ground music scene and includes a wide range of music­al styles includ­ing urb­an / rap / hiphop / elec­tron­ic etc.


Go to the Web­form