Showcase Call at Medimex 2024
15 artists or musical groups selected among the candidates for the call which expires at 1pm on 22 April 2024. And, in particular, six musical projects of the World genre, as many for Indie, Pop, Rock and three for Jazz musical projects. Each showcase will last 20 minutes and all those selected will be scheduled at the Spazioporto on three different evenings from 19 to 21 June.

The MEDIMEX 2024 project will be hosted in Taranto from June 19 to 23, 2024, as the crowning event of the entire strategy for the development of the Puglia Sounds music system. For the 14th edition, Medimex, through a public call, selects 15 Apulian and national musical projects that will be able to perform during the days of the Festival. According to the call, those musical projects of which 2/3 of the members were born or reside in Puglia are defined as Apulian; national if 2/3 were born or resident in Italy.
Deadline and methods of participation
15 artists or musical groups selected among the candidates for the call which expires at 1pm on 22 April 2024. Projects can respond to the call by filling in all the required fields in the webform.
Musical projects and information
And, in particular, six musical projects of the World genre, as many for Indie, Pop, Rock and three for Jazz musical projects. Each showcase will last 20 minutes and all those selected will be scheduled at the Spazioporto on three different evenings from 19 to 21 June.
Showcase@Medimex is created in collaboration with the Keep On Live, I‑Jazz and Rete Italiana World Music networks.
1 – What is meant by “Indie” music?
In the text of the public notice, “Indie” or independent musical genre means a form of music that is produced and distributed independently, not by major labels, characterized by sonic experimentation and a creative and unconventional spirit. It mainly refers to the alternative and underground music scene and includes a wide range of musical styles including urban / rap / hiphop / electronic etc.