The Jesus and Mary Chain

Glas­gow Eyes

The Jesus and Mary Chain (Jim and Wil­li­am Reid) by Mel But­ler

23 JUNE start 20:30

Rotonda del Lun­go­mare, Taranto

For The Jesus and Mary Chain, broth­ers Jim and Wil­li­am Reid, 2024 is a spe­cial year: it is the 40th year since the first single. In March they announced the release of their new album Glas­gow Eyes and single Jam­cod and will con­tin­ue with an auto­bi­o­graphy and the start of a major European tour which star­ted in Manchester on 22 March.

Glas­gow Eyes was recor­ded at Mog­wai’s Castle of Doom stu­dio in Glas­gow, where Jim and Wil­li­am con­tin­ued the cre­at­ive pro­cess that pro­duced the pre­vi­ous Dam­age and Joy, in 2017, which became the most suc­cess­ful album in the charts of recent years. twenty years. What has emerged is a record that sees one of the UK’s most influ­en­tial groups embrace a second pro­duct­ive chapter, their whirl­wind of melody, feed­back and con­trolled chaos now made more con­scious by their love of Sui­cide and Kraft­werk and a new appre­ci­ation of the less dis­cip­lined atti­tudes found in jazz.

Jam­cod and Glas­gow Eyes not only extend the story of The Jesus and Mary Chain, but at the same time feel like a return to the roots. From the incen­di­ary debut Psy­chocandy and the clas­sic Just Like Honey onwards, the Reid broth­ers have stead­ily become mis­fits who made, without com­prom­ise, the best music ever.

Glas­gow Eyes art­work


Se non visu­alizzi il play­er You­Tube è per­ché non hai accettato per intero la nos­tra Cook­ie Policy. Clicca sul puls­ante in basso a destra e seleziona “Accetta tutto”.


Chil­dren up to the age of five can access the show for free, only if held in their arms, accom­pan­ied by a per­son respons­ible for them, with a reg­u­lar tick­et. For safety reas­ons, prams, strollers, etc. are not allowed in the show area. All minors must be accom­pan­ied by an adult, in a ratio of one adult for every two minors. The use of noise-can­cel­ling head­phones for chil­dren or oth­er ear pro­tec­tion instru­ments is strongly recom­men­ded.

Access for people with dis­ab­il­it­ies and any com­pan­ions includes a paid tick­et for the per­son with a dis­ab­il­ity, at full price, and free entry for the com­pan­ion where the dis­ab­il­ity cer­ti­fic­ate requires accom­pani­ment. In com­pli­ance with cur­rent legis­la­tion, for safety and access­ib­il­ity reas­ons, spe­cif­ic and lim­ited places are reserved for people with dis­ab­il­it­ies with­in the event loc­a­tion, suit­able for the par­tic­u­lar cir­cu­la­tion needs of wheel­chairs and people with reduced or impaired motor skills. It is neces­sary to send an email to with a copy of the dis­ab­il­ity cer­ti­fic­ate, or European Dis­ab­il­ity Card, spe­cify­ing wheth­er the per­son with a dis­ab­il­ity is in a wheel­chair or needs a place to seat, copy of the iden­tity doc­u­ment, tele­phone num­ber and email of the per­son with a dis­ab­il­ity and the com­pan­ion. Based on seat avail­ab­il­ity, the organ­iz­a­tion con­firms the book­ing via email. The con­firm­a­tion email will act as the actu­al book­ing.



Live at Main­stage


23 JUN 2024 start 20:30
Rotonda del Lun­go­mare, Taranto

The Smile

22 JUN 2024 start 20:30
Rotonda del Lun­go­mare, Taranto

The Jesus and Mary Chain

23 JUN 2024 start 20:30
Rotonda del Lun­go­mare, Taranto