Digital Edition
X Edition . 3–18 june 2020
The first international digital music conference proposed activities dedicated to training and music professionals with workshops, insights, webinars, focuses on the international scene, music schools and a special Rock lesson.

Medimex D closed with almost 100 hours of streaming activity and 350 thousand people reached on social networks. The first international digital music conference, promoted by Puglia Sounds, from 3 to 18 June proposed activities dedicated to training and music professionals with workshops, insights, webinars, focus on the international scene, music schools and a special Rock lesson. Almost 100 hours of streaming activity, 350 thousand people reached on social networks, approximately 70 thousand total views recorded to date and 1500 users who participated in online workshops and webinars (still available on the website), 130 thousand interactions on Facebook, 140 thousand on Instagram and 50 thousand on Twitter. The media coverage was notable, with around 200 national and regional newspapers reporting on the Medimex D and the individual events.
Numerous guests, Italian and international, and the topics addressed. From the Future of Live Music with Clemente Zard (Vivo Concerti) and Tommaso Paradiso to Una vita in Streaming with Chiara Santoro (Google Italia) and Ghemon, passing through Is the crisis indie? with Claudio Ferrante (Artist First) and Francesco Sarcina, Le Major and the crisis with Andrea Rosi (Sony) and Riccardo Zanotti (Penguini Tattici Nucleari). Success for the Rock Lesson: Music in Puglia with Ernesto Assante and Diodato, a journey to one of the most musical regions of Italy and among its artists, who over the years have written fundamental pages in the history of Italian music. There is a broad focus on the international scene, aimed at artists and music operators, with the webinars Live streaming and connected experiences with Jan Ole Otnaes, Christoph Huber, Raffaele Casarano and Roberto Ottaviano, How the COVID-19 Crisis May Change the Music Business with Martin Goldschmidt , Someone To Watch Over Me by EJN, Europe Jazz Network and Communicating in times of crisis with Georgia Taglietti. There is also space for synchronization with masterclasses and workshops organized by NODE: Composition techniques and practices for film music with maestro Claudio Simonetti (Goblin), Sound Design for Gaming with Andrea Federici (Accademia Italiana Videogiochi), The publishing contract intended for synchronizations with Marco Barbone, Listening session by Guild of Music Supervisor UK with Nick Angel and Ben Sumner and finally James Hannigan in conversation with John Broomhall. The digital version of Puglia Sounds Musicarium, the school of musical professions with the usual basic and advanced versions, with numerous lessons: Self-productions with Antonella Rizzi, The musician in the digital era with Massimo Bonelli, Social Music Marketing: finding new fans with social media with Gabriele Aprile, Lyrics and music writing with Giuseppe Anastasi, Rock Portraits — Photographic post production with Giovanni Canitano and In-The-Box Recording and Mixing with Marc Urselli, three-time Grammy Award winner. Great participation also for Puglia Sounds Plus: meeting with operators in which Loredana Capone, regional councilor for the Tourist and Cultural Industry, and Cesare Veronico, artistic coordinator Puglia Sounds/Medimex, illustrated the new public notices of Puglia Sounds to operators and artists imagined to face the complex scenario facing the Apulian music sector.
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