
Here is the pro­gram of Med­imex activ­it­ies to have a gen­er­al over­view of Tarant­o’s pro­gram­ming, from 19 to 23 June 2024. The events all take place in Itali­an. To register for the PRO sec­tion, i.e. present­a­tions, work­shops, pan­els and One to One, please fill out a form on the web­site in Itali­an.

Appoint­ments at the Fusco Theat­er, Spazi­o­porto and the Lit­er­ary Café are free. For stor­ies and the film at the Fusco Theat­er, book­ing is recom­men­ded by phone: +39 099 99 49 349.

19 june

VERNISSAGE 18:00–19:00, MArTA

Bob Gru­en: John Len­non, The New York Years. The exhib­i­tion, cur­ated by ONO Arte con­tem­por­anea, will be hos­ted at MArTA until 14 July 2024. Info & Tick­ets

TALK 19:00–20:00, MArTA

Bob Gru­en with Bob Gru­en and Luca De Gen­naro — Reserve your place

SHOWCASE 21:00, Spazi­o­porto

Show­case World Music in col­lab­or­a­tion with Rete Itali­ana World Music. Lineup Accas­ac­cio, Ele­onora Bor­don­aro, Francesco Moramarco, Kyoto, Salvio Vas­sallo e Mon­ica Pinto, Sandro Joyeux — Free access

20 june

WORKSHOP 10:30–12:30, Uni­versità

Music Export. Cur­ated by Ipe Ipe and Zero Nove Nove with Domen­ico Coduto (Ipe Ipe), Giuseppe Bor­tone (Zero Nove Nove), Dami­ano Miceli (Pan­ico Con­certi)

PANEL 16:30–17:30, Uni­versità

The Value of World Music. Regen­er­a­tion of Intan­gible Cul­tur­al Her­it­age and Sus­tain­able Com­munity Devel­op­ment. With Clau­dio Car­boni (SIAE), Maria Moramarco (ricer­ca­trice, artista), Vin­cenzo San­toro (ANCI), Mad­dalena Scag­nelli (Appen­nino Fest­iv­al). Mod­era Fil­ippo Giord­ano (Rete Itali­ana World Music)

WORKSHOP 17:30–18:30, Uni­versità

Is it pos­sible to cre­ate diversity-cent­ric music events in Italy? Cur­ated by Equaly. With Josie Cipol­letta (Equaly), Francesca Bar­one (Equaly), Let­iz­ia Angelini (act­iv­ist)

BOOKS 18:30–19:30, Caffè Let­ter­ario

Gen­erazione Altern­ativa di Luca De Gen­naro

PANEL 18:30–20:00, Uni­versità

Real­ity is Over. With Ric­cardo Luna (la Repub­blica) and Alex Braga (artist)

STORIES 19:00–20:30, Teatro Fusco

The Notori­ous B.I.G. & Tupac. Guest Tor­mento. Intro­duced and mod­er­ated by Damir Ivic

SHOWCASE 21:00, Spazi­o­porto

Show­case Indie, Rock, Pop in col­lab­or­a­tion with Kee­pOn Live. Lineup Com­rad, Leland Did It, Nebüla, Pin­hDAR, Rareș, Samia — Free access

STORIES 21:00–22:30, Teatro Fusco

Michael Jack­son & Prince. With Carlo Mas­sar­ini and Luca De Gen­naro

PROJECTION MAPPING SHOW, 20–23 JUN 21:00–00:00, Cas­tello Aragonese

Infin­ite Loop. AI End­less Explor­a­tion

by Roberto San­toro e Blend­ing Pixel — The show can be seen from Corso due Mari, Taranto.

21 june

PANEL 11:00–12:00, Uni­versità

The Human Ele­ment in the Machine: Live Clubs and Fest­ivals as Out­posts of Res­ist­ance to the Present. In col­lab­or­a­tion with Kee­pOn Live. With the par­ti­cip­a­tion of Paolo Ben­ve­gnù and with Marco Lig­urgo (RoBOt Fest­iv­al), Gior­gio Val­letta (Radio Raheem, Rumore). Mod­er­ated by Dav­ide Fab­bri (Kee­pON Live)

PRESENTAZIONE 12:30–13:00, Uni­versità

Focus on Italy at Euro­son­ic 2025. With Nur Al Habash (Italia Music Lab / Export) and Robert Meijerink (EUROSONIC)

PRESENTAZIONE 16:00–16:45, Uni­versità

Wait­ing Room, Cre­at­ive Europe, and Livemx: “EU funds for the music industry. With Anna Con­ti­cello (Desk Italia Europa Cre­ativa – MiC – DG Cre­ativ­ità Con­tem­por­anea), Mar­zia Santone (Desk Italia Europa Cre­ativa – MiC – DG Cre­ativ­ità Con­tem­por­anea – Ales S.p.A), Grace Puluczek (LIVEMX), Vin­cenzo Bar­reca (Ypsig­rock Fest­iv­al) — Reserve your One to One

PANEL 17:00–18:00, Uni­versità

Music Changes: cre­ativ­ity, roy­al­ties and intel­lec­tu­al prop­erty with the devel­op­ment of AI. With Nic­ola Migliardi (SIAE), Enzo Mazza (FIMI), Nico Regina (Regina&Partners), Roberto Razzini (Sony) and Appino (The Zen Cir­cus). Mod­er­ated by Alex Longo (Agendadi­gitale)

PRESENTAZIONE 18:15–19:15, Uni­versità

Tool­box! Plan­ning, net­work­ing and data col­lec­tion by Kee­pOn Live: a set of tools for Live Clubs and Fest­ivals. With Fed­erico Rasetti (Kee­pOn Live), Gai­anè Kevorki­an (Kee­pOn Live), a rep­res­ent­at­ive of the Puglia Region, Bar­bara Var­giu (Le Ragazze Ter­rib­ili, Fest­iv­al Abbab­ula). Mod­er­ated by Dav­ide Poliani (Rock­ol)

BOOKS 18:30–19:30, Caffè Let­ter­ario

La musica è un lampo by Stefano Senardi

SHOWCASE 21:00, Spazi­o­porto

Show­case Jazz in col­lab­or­a­tion with I‑Jazz. Line up Ant­on­ello Losacco, Evita Polidoro // NEROVIVO, Jac­opo Fer­razza, Mal­adè, Pasquale Calò, Valentina Fin Cohors, Wasted Gen­er­a­tion — Free access

FILM 21:00, Teatro Fusco

Angel­Headed Hip­ster. The Songs of Marc Bolan & T.Rex by Eth­an Sil­ver­man. Nation­al pre­view. Guest Eth­an Sil­ver­man and with Michele Riondino and Marc Urselli. Mod­er­ated by Carlo Mas­sar­ini — Reserve your seats at +39 099 99 49 349

22 june

PANEL 10:30–11:30, Uni­versità

The space of jazz to come, New Places and Prac­tices for Tomor­row’s Jazz. In col­lab­or­a­tion with I‑Jazz. With Valentina Fin (Bacàn, AIKU Uni­versità Ca’ Foscari di Venezia), Aless­andro “Gambo” Gam­barotto (Jazz Is Dead, TUM), Fab­riz­io Ver­si­enti (Cor­ri­ere del Mezzogiorno). Mod­er­ated by Enrico Bet­tinello (I–Jazz)

PANEL 12:00–13:00, Uni­versità

Writ­ing Music (and Singing It) for Images. With the par­ti­cip­a­tion of Joan Thiele, Diod­ato, Ginev­ra Nervi e Rodrigo D’Erasmo. Mod­er­ated by Tom­maso Col­li­va

WORKSHOP 15:30–17:00, Uni­versità

How Do Events Change with Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence? The ser­vices of the European Digit­al Innov­a­tion Hub CETMA-DIHSME. In col­lab­or­a­tion with Dis­tretto Produt­tivo Puglia Cre­ativa. With Stefano Brilli (Uni­ver­sity of Urbino “Carlo Bo”), Aless­andro Persano (Weave), Ant­o­nio Colan­gelo (MaterElettrica), Francesca Fel­line (Cetma), Mario Spada (research­er). Mod­er­ated by Cin­zia Lagioia (Dis­tretto Produt­tivo Puglia Cre­ativa) — Reserve your One to One

PANEL 16:00–17:00, Uni­versità

Is the future in the past? Artist-Cent­ric Mod­el and the import­ance of the cata­log in con­tem­por­ary music. With the par­ti­cip­a­tion of Diton­el­lapiaga and with Dino Stew­art (BMG Italy), Francesca Train­ini (Impala), Leonardo Bondi (Wood­worm). Mod­er­ated by Stefano Senardi

TALK 18:00–19:00, Uni­versità

Santi Francesi. Guests Santi Francesi. Mod­er­ated by Dario Fal­cini

BOOKS 18:30–19:30, Caffè Let­ter­ario

Sotto trac­cia. Una stor­ia indie con­tem­por­anea by Hamilton Santià

STORIES 19:00–20:30, Teatro Fusco

The Beatles & The Rolling Stones. With Gino Castaldo

LIVE 20:30, Rotonda del Lun­go­mare

The Smile — Book your tick­et on Tick­etOne or Viv­atick­et cir­cuits

23 june

STORIES 19:00–20:30, Teatro Fusco

Lou Reed & Dav­id Bowie. With Gino Castaldo and Manuel Agnelli

LIVE 20:30, Rotonda del Lun­go­mare

The Jesus and Mary Chain, Pulp — Book your tick­et on Tick­etOne or Viv­atick­et cir­cuits